+39 (0) 30 21 20 448 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 29/A, Via Santellone - Molinetto di Mazzano (BS) - Italy
+39 (0) 30 21 20 448 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 18, Via Statale - Calcinato (BS) - Italy
ISO 9001:2015
according GMP
#40 years
experience in plastic
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PA6 (Extruded Polyamide 6)

Polyamide 6, better known as PA6, is an extruded polyamide, which offers a high resistance to abrasion, impact, damping and a good combination of mechanical stability. It can easily substitute bronze, aluminium and other non-ferrous metals, as it has various advantages. Weight, for example. It has a specific gravity of 1,15 g/cm3 and bronze has 8,8 g/gm3, making the comparative volume price very attractive.


This materials reduces lubrifications requirements thanks to its sliding properties and wear resistance even when running dry. It is also non-abrasive when in contact with other surfaces, which means a longer life for all bearing elements.

Working in a normal weather condition (20°C / 65% moisture), PA6 could absorb up to 3-4 % of its weight. Submerged in water, up to 8-10%. These situations increase ductility, toughness and the excellent shock and vibration resistance, while stiffness, hardness, yield stress and mechanical, electrical and dimensional properties in general are influenced.

In general, Polyamide 6 has a brilliant resistance to atmospheric agents and UV rays.

Chemical resistance.

About its chemical resistance, PA6 is suitable for the contact with hydrocarbons, oils, fats, esters, ketones and others. Its behaviour is good also in contact with organic and inorganic bases up to medium concentrations. It is largely resistant to trichlorethylene, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride and freon. Please pay attention when in contact with chloroform, ethanol and methanol, because they could cause swelling similar to water. Alcohols are indifferent in most cases. Concentrated ants, acetic acids, phenols, cresols, glycols and benzyl alcohol have loosening effects, especially at high temperatures.

Miscellaneous information.

Our Polyamide 6 is FDA approved and can also be certified according EC 1935/2004, EC 2023/2006 and EU 10/2011.

According the incredible improvement of plastic science, Polyamide 6 has been improved a lot in last few years, thanks to a different type of additives, such as:

  • Molybdenum Disulphide. Improved sliding properties at slightly higher compressive strength; UV radiation resistant by its black colour; improved wear resistance and lower surface friction.
  • Glass Fibre. Improved mechanical resistance; higher abrasion.

PA6 most famous brand name.

Extruded Polyamide 6, usually available in rods, tubes and plates, is produced by different Companies, each one with its own commercial name. Although that, each PA6 has more less the same characteristics and can easily substitute one each other.

Most famous brand names are:

  • Nylon;
  • Zellamid® 202;
  • Ertalon® 6SA;
  • Lamigamid® 100;
  • Tecamid® 6;
  • Sustamid® 6.

PA6 in few words.

Special properties:

  • Good toughness;
  • High wear resistance;
  • Very good strength and hardness;
  • High mechanical damping characteristics;
  • Good noise and vibration absorption;
  • Good sliding properties;
  • Good chemical resistance.

Used in:

  • Pulp and paper Industry;
  • Offshore and marine;
  • General Machine Building;
  • Food Industry;
  • Material Handling;
  • Electronics;
  • Construction;
  • Mining.


  • Sliding parts;
  • Wear components;
  • Ball bearing races;
  • Friction bearings;
  • Pulleys;
  • Bogies;
  • Rope pulleys;
  • Sheaves;
  • Rollers;
  • Wheels;
  • Gears.