Our warehouse can always count on a huge availability of semi-finished thermoplastic materials coming from the main producers in Austria, Germany, Italy (EU). Thanks to the huge purchased amount we place as one of the main Italian Thermoplastic consumer, with weekly incoming shipments and good purchasing prices which we reflect on our customers.
Semi-finished products are available in different shapes, such as plate, rod and tube. According customer’s need, we can count on specific department dedicated to cut-to-size service.
All our thermoplastic materials are premium quality semi-finished products and we can supply a huge variety of certifications (visit our Quality page to know more).
Semi-finished thermoplastics materials count a huge variety of trade names, given during the last year by the main producers. Those trade names generate confusion, misunderstanding and sometimes mistakes too. We are here to offer you the best service possible, help you to choose the correct one and for this reason, we utilise their name according DIN 7728-1:1988, PLASTICS – SYMBOLS AND CODES FOR POLYMERS AND THEIR SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.
We usually classify thermoplastic materials in families, such as PA / POM / PET, Special Performance Materials, High Performance Materials and others. To semplify your research we unified all of those in a unique table which you can find here below.
Each material is shown accoring its DIN name, the entire name description and group memberships. Each row links to semi-finished thermoplastic material own page, with its own technical datasheet, general description and main features.
Do not hesitate to contact our experts in case you are not finding what you are looking for or just for more technical information!